Privacy Policy (GDPR)

On May 25, 2018, the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (",Regulation" or ,,GDPR") became applicable. Its main purpose is to increase the level of protection of personal data and to create a climate of trust that allows each individual to control their own data. With this in mind, it is necessary to inform you about the processing of your personal data, how we protect your personal data, and about your rights under the GDPR.


Our personal data processing policy describes how we collect and process personal data of customers, business partners, collaborators and suppliers, potential customers, potential employees, potential collaborators and applies to all personal data collected on the Website, as well as to all personal data we collect via e-mail or any other communication channel through which such data will be processed ("Personal Data").

In general, our intention is to collect only Personal Data voluntarily provided by each data subject so that we can provide our services to the highest level, carry out our contractual relationships and promote our services.

We may also collect information about your preferences through your use of the Website, when you request information from us or engage our services, or as a result of your relationship with us or one or more of our customers.

A. Data processed

Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

With regard to the Personal Data that we may process, we inform you that the legal basis on which we may rely is:

  • the processing is necessary for the performance of a contractual relationship, i.e. for the provision of the services requested by you

  • our legal obligation to process such data

  • processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims

  • your consent.

B. GDPR Principles

Whenever we process Personal Data we will take into account the following principles:

LEGALITY, FAIRNESS AND TRANSPARENCY - Your Personal Data will be processed "lawfully, fairly and transparently";

PURPOSE LIMITATIONS - Your personal data will be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, and further processing of that data will not deviate from those purposes;

ACCURACY OF INFORMATION - we will take all measures to ensure the validity of Personal Data, and Personal Data found to be inaccurate must be promptly updated or deleted.

REDUCTION OF DATA TO THE MINIMUM - any collection of Personal Data will be thoroughly analyzed prior to the actual request for it, processing only Personal Data that will be relevant and strictly limited to what is absolutely necessary for the purposes for which it is processed;

LIMITATION OF STORAGE - Personal Data must be kept exclusively for the period for which it is necessary for the processing undertaken. Longer storage periods are exceptions associated with public archiving, research or statistical activities, which may be carried out under certain conditions;

INTEGRITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY - the processing of Personal Data must be carried out under secure conditions, including "protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or accidental damage, by taking appropriate technical or organizational measures".

C. Rights

We,, ensure that you respect the rights conferred to data subjects under the GDPR, including:

RIGHT OF ACCESS - - allows you to obtain details relevant to the processing of Personal Data;

RIGHT OF RECTIFICATION - allows you to rectify or complete your Personal Data if it has been incorrectly or incompletely processed;

RIGHT TO RESTRICTION OF PROCESSED DATA - allows you to obtain the restriction of the processing of your Personal Data in certain cases (for example, where you contest the accuracy of your Personal Data, for a period allowing us to verify such accuracy);

RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN - allows you to delete your Personal Data in certain cases (for example, if the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected) and, where the Personal Data has been made public, to pass on information about your request for deletion to other operators;

RIGHT TO OBJECT - allows you to object to the further processing of your Personal Data under the conditions and within the limits established by law;

RIGHT TO DATA PORTABILITY - allows you to receive the Personal Data relating to you that you have provided to us, in a structured format, used in electronic format or to transmit this data to another data controller;

RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT - allows you to withdraw at any time a consent given in order to stop a processing of Personal Data that is based on that consent. Withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to withdrawal;

RIGHT TO FILE A COMPLAINT WITH A SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY - the right to lodge a complaint with the Romanian National Data Protection Supervisory Authority if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data violates applicable laws.

D. Purposes and Processing of Personal Data Based on Consent Obtained

We will process your Personal Data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner; the purposes for which we are to use such data being well-determined, specifically in order to prepare and provide the services you request from us and/or in the performance of contractual relationships.

Among other things, Personal Data will be processed in order to communicate by e-mail, correspondence, telephone, video or any other means of communication through which the answers to your requests, the materials prepared in the course of the activity, as well as any other response or request in the framework of the collaboration or potential collaboration with In this case, the processing of Personal Data will be based on the legitimate interest in order to provide our services in accordance with the contractual relationship.

We may also process your Personal Data in the context of providing services based on legal obligations or obligations imposed by legal provisions, in which case the legal obligation is the basis for processing Personal Data.

We,, ask you to provide Personal Data, exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes, in order to carry out our day-to-day business and in order to provide our services.

In all cases, the Personal Data is provided directly by you as a result of our request and your expression of consent, in order to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes.

We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your Personal Data. If you have any questions or comments regarding the administration of your Personal Data, as well as in order to exercise your rights, please contact us at [email protected].

E. Disclosure of personal data

As a general rule, we do not share Personal Data with third parties, unless this is necessary for our legitimate professional and operational needs and in your interest, in order to fulfill your requirements and/or as required or permitted by law or professional standards, in the context of providing the services you have requested, or this is necessary for the performance of the subject matter of the contract between the parties

Duration of storage of personal data

Your Personal Data will be stored for at least 1 year, but not less than the period required by our legal obligations. Where Personal Data is not stored on the basis of a contractual relationship, this data will be kept, for a specified period, for as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing it, or for as long as we provide services that are within your sphere of interest, in order to inform you about them.

However, we will stop processing any of your Personal Data as long as it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or when you withdraw your consent, this being the legal basis for the processing and (i) there are no compelling legitimate grounds for further processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms or (ii) if the Personal Data is not necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim.