Terms and Conditions


Please read this document carefully. This document (hereinafter referred to as "This Document", "Agreement" or "Terms and Conditions") constitutes the terms and conditions of your use of the www.masinilacheie.ro website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") and the terms and conditions for placing orders through the Site. By browsing our site or placing an order you agree to the Terms and Conditions described below. This document is a legal agreement - a contract between you and us. Please also read Our Cookies and Privacy Policy before browsing our site or placing an order. If you do not agree to these Terms or the Policies set out above, please do not use the website.

Who we are?

The website www.masinilacheie.ro is owned and maintained by MasiniLaCheie SRL, a Romanian company with registered office in Bucharest, sector 6, Str. Moise Constantin 5D, registered in the Bucharest Trade Register under no. J40/19653/2021, with fiscal code 45205227, e-mail [email protected].


"Third Party Offer" means the offer presented on the www.masinilacheie.ro website, submitted by third parties, legal entities, who intend to rent cars to You through the Website. They are third parties independent of the company Mașini-La-Cheie SRL. and include, but are not limited to, independent car rental service providers.

"Car rental services" include, but are not limited to, car and road vehicle rental services provided by third parties who have submitted the offer on the website www.masinilacheie.ro, such as, but not limited to, car rental without driver. This offer is presented to you through the company Masini-La-Cheie SRL in its capacity as intermediary.

The "Masini-La-Cheie offer" means the service provided directly to you by Masini-La-Cheie SRL, which involves accessing and using the website www.masinilacheie.ro, which allows you to request and benefit from the offer of third parties. In addition, Masini-La-Cheie SRL provides payment collection and processing services, which allow us to collect fees from you and to pay fees into the bank account of third parties providing car rental services to you, with the commission retained by Masini-La-Cheie SRL. which is individualized in the third party offer.

"User" is any natural person over 18 years of age or legal entity registered on the Site, who, by creating an account, has given his consent to the site-specific clauses in the Terms and Conditions section.

"Customer" is the User who has requested car rental services in his/her own name from the offer presented by third parties and who has made the payment.

"Intermediation contract" is the contract concluded between the company Masini-La-Cheie SRL and the third party benefiting from the intermediation service, by virtue of which the latter has undertaken to provide car rental services, within the limits of the offer, to the Client.

"Order" designates Your request through the website www.masinilacheie.ro by which You ask Masini-La-Cheie SRL to mediate the rental of the vehicle available in the Masinilacheie Offer.

"Guarantee" means the amount of money that may be requested in certain Offers, which is intended to guarantee the seriousness of the Customer and is displayed on the Site at the time the Offer is presented. In respect of this amount, the company Masini-La-Cheie SRL does not process the payment, but, this is the exclusive right of the third party who presents the Offer on the Site.

**This contract. Binding. Contact.


You understand that this Agreement and all policies referenced herein (e.g., Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy) are binding on you. By browsing our site or placing an order, you agree to be bound by this Agreement and the policies indicated.

**Changes and updates.

We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time without notice. Your order will be subject to the terms that are in effect at the time the order is placed. By visiting our website you will find the latest version of the Terms.

We cannot guarantee that any offers that have been included at a particular time on the site will be available at all times. We reserve the right at any time to terminate our relationship with a third party. Contact.

If you have any questions or queries, you can contact us in confidence at [email protected] or by filling in the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Personal data

The Site processes personal data provided by you or collected from other sources as we have described more fully in Privacy Policy. We are committed to complying with national and European legislation on the protection of personal data and the free movement of such data.

By visiting and/or using the Site, placing orders or interacting with us by any method and/or means of remote communication, you consent to the processing of your personal data as we have described in Privacy Policy.


In order to legally place an order on our website you must:

  • be over 18 years of age and/or of full legal capacity;

  • agree to this Contract;

  • provide us with true, complete and up-to-date identity and contact information.

Rules for use of the site


By accessing, visiting, placing an order or performing any other activity on our website, you agree to abide by the following rules:

  1. You will use this site solely for legitimate ordering or informational purposes;

  2. You will not place any false or fraudulent orders, failing which we reserve the right to cancel the order and inform the appropriate authorities or take legal action to recover any damages caused;

  3. You will provide true, accurate, complete and up-to-date information;

  4. You will respect the intellectual property rights of any element found on this website.

  5. You will not carry out any action that may cause any kind of damage to our website, otherwise we reserve the right to take legal action to recover any damages caused.


We reserve the right to block the access of any user who violates the above rules, to cancel orders, to refer the matter to the competent authorities for administrative/criminal prosecution of any anti-social acts and to apply to the courts for full recovery of any damages caused, present or future, including lost profits and legal costs (including attorneys' fees).

Conclusion of contract


To the extent that we do not accept your order, but you have been refunded monies, we will proceed to refund these monies as soon as possible.

**The decision is ours.

We reserve the right to decide, unilaterally and without giving reasons, whether or not to enter into a contract. We will have no liability to you if we refuse to fulfill an order.

In the event that you place an order, you may cancel this action without any reason whatsoever, no later than 7 days prior to the commencement of the rental period, the amount of money will be refunded in full, unless the cancellation is made with less than 72 hours, in which case the amount of money representing the consideration for the rental services will not be refunded. Also, if the order is canceled with more than 72 hours but less than 7 days, we are obligated to refund 50% of the amount of money that has been paid by you.

Third Party Offer.

We cannot guarantee that the cars found at any given time on the website will be available at all times for the provision of the rental service by the beneficiary of the intermediary contract. We shall have no liability to you in the event that a car included in the offer is no longer on the website. Although we will endeavor to have real time updated availability information on the website, we cannot guarantee that this information will be updated at all times. All orders will be subject to availability of cars on offer.


To the extent that the cars are unavailable but you have already placed your order, we will inform you of the unavailability of these cars and recommend similar cars of equal or similar value that can be ordered. To the extent that you do not wish to order the rental of similar cars recommended by us, we will cancel your order and, to the extent that you have already paid the rental price, we will refund your money as soon as possible.

Rental price

Car rental prices are displayed in lei on the website and include value added tax. If there is an error in the price displayed on the website, we will inform you as soon as possible and will refund the additional amount of money paid or request an additional amount of money. If the new price is not satisfactory to you, you do not respond to our request or we are unable to contact you, we will cancel your order and refund the amount of money paid as soon as possible.

In addition to the price paid in accordance with this Agreement, for some of the Offers, an amount may be charged as a Guarantee, which is displayed on the Website at the time the Offer is submitted. Regarding this amount, the company Masini-La-Cheie SRL does not process the payment, but, this is the exclusive right of the third party who submits the Offer on the Site.

Prices for rental services may be updated/changed at any time, and such update/change shall supersede any previous prices. Your order will be subject to the prices at the time the order is actually placed.

Payment for services rendered by Masini-La-Cheie Ltd. as well as for rental services ordered and rendered by third parties presenting the offer on the website www.masinilacheie.ro , is made by online card payment.

If you opt for online payment by bank card, the processing of your card data is done through Stripe Inc. and we will not store any data relating to your card.

The issuing institution will validate and authorize the payment. If the transaction is not processed for reasons beyond our control (e.g., no funds on the card, expired card), the contract between us is not terminated and we will have no obligation to notify the third party, but you may try again to process the payment with a valid card.

Force majeure and fortuitous event**

We will not be held liable for any delays or failures in the performance of our services due to force majeure or acts of God. Force majeure includes but is not limited to changes in laws or regulations, embargoes, embargoes, wars, terrorist acts, riots, fires, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, strikes, epidemics, pandemics, weather conditions and acts of hackers or internet service providers.

Intellectual Property

The entire content of the website is the intellectual property of Masini-La-Cheie SRL. The website may be used by third parties for information and/or order placement only. Users of the site have no right to download, partially or entirely modify the site, partially and/or entirely reproduce the site, copy, distribute, sell or exploit the site in any other manner contrary to the interests of Masini-La-Cheie SRL., whether or not there is a commercial purpose.

All content (including but not limited to databases, graphics, trademarks, legal content) are the intellectual property of Masini-La-Cheie SRL. The entire site is protected by Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, and for any infringement of intellectual property, we reserve the right to bring the matter before the competent courts for full recovery of damages, as well as to file a criminal complaint with the judicial authorities to hold the perpetrator criminally liable.

Final Clauses

These Terms constitutes the entire agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter of any Contract and supersedes any and all other agreements, any other prior oral or written agreements between you and us.

This Agreement is binding. You may not transfer, assign, encumber or otherwise alienate this Agreement, or any of your rights or obligations arising hereunder, without our prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, encumber, sub-contract or otherwise alienate a Contract or any of our rights or obligations arising out of the Contract. This Agreement and any use of the Site will be governed by English law. Any dispute between us will be submitted to the Romanian courts.